fredag 25. november 2011

Sort Sol (24. now. 2011) and Ice Age (25. now. 2011)

So, two days ago I saw Sort Sol again (now I am suddenly not that sad about not seeing them in Tivoli). This time, so close to where I live, that it was almost next door.

Unlike last time (in KB Hallen), I actually knew most of the songs this time, which was of core very nice as I managed to follow the concert a little better (that said, I did enjoy it in KB Hallen as well).

The good thing about seeing them this time, was that now, as they have preformed for a while, they maybe dared to let the mind go for it self, if I can say so. They preformed a little more, I think. They also had a new set-list, so I didn't see all the same over again. Not that I would mind that, but anyway, it was nice.

The backup guitarist (that had played 7 concerts with a broken finger and a hurting shoulder. Impressive) called "The Adam" came up to me and my boyfriend after the concert to politely give us his towel and guitar pick.

(Ehm, don't mind the video, as it is overly cheesy. And well, the outfit and the hair is a joke on many bands from the 80's. But this song is awesome!)

Yesterday we went to hear a speech by Jan Poulsen and Marin Hall, for then to see Ice Age play a concert. Both the speeches were about punk back in the 70-80's (I actually don't know which years for sure, as the danish number system is a little hard to get used to). Was interesting to listen to both of them. Ice Age also played very good this time in my opinion. I had seen them once before, where I was not at all impressed, but this time they were good I think. Also, the fact that they were playing in a library made it a little more interesting in some way.

søndag 20. november 2011

Long time no see

It's been a while since I've been writing here now, and a lot have happened. I have for example been at a speech by Martin Hall, which was interesting, even if he was talking in Danish, which I have a hard time understanding. Well, I understood most, actually.

The day after we went to a VNV Nation concert. If I'm gonna be honest, I have to say it sucked. I had been expecting some good varied techno, with good melodies. Nah, it was all "mh tss mh tss mh tss DANCE DANCE DANCE". The lead singer was actually pointing at the people in the audience that were not dancing, telling them to dance. I hate to dance at concerts, and I especially hate to dance on command. But oh well, this was one of those concert where people were supposed to get drunk, dance and go wild. Sorry, but not for me.

The day after that again, there were yet another Punks Undead. Vol. 21 this time, of course. Can't really remember which bands were playing this time, but I do remember that it was a really good night. Well, Punks Undead are always good!

Later we saw State Of Mind, Polyfon and Melting Walkmen at Rust. The first two bands were good, though I wouldn't buy their music, as it's not exactly what I would listen to. Melting Walkmen really surprised me, actually. I have seen them live before, and heard them a lot on record, and always had this "meh" feeling about them. But when they played at Rust, they were really good!

And the last thing I can remember doing since last time is Golems Halloween party this weekend, where my boyfriend was DJing. As I was DEAD tired I didn't get a lot out of it. But what I did get out of it was nice.