mandag 13. februar 2012

Busy weekend

After new years eve we had a little problem with almost nothing happening, so we were a lot at home, until last weekend. Friday we had our monthly Punks Undead (though, there were no Punks Undead in January). Was really nice this time (when is it not nice?). Cannot remember all of the bands names, but I do remember that one of them were super good compared to my expectations (I think they were called P.I.S.).

Saturday we went to Black Cat Birthday Carnival. I dressed up as a cat (did it differently that how I did it to the Golem Halloween, so I am sad I have no picture). Have a lot of fun memories from that night. For example the guy coming on to me, and when I showed him my boyfriend, he said my boyfriend looked gay. That might be, but he is still together with the girl you were hitting on, so maybe you should steal some ideas?
There were also a live band called Grooving in Green. They were really good, and wow how cute weren't the members. Not the kind of oh-I-want-to-marry-you-cute, but you-look-like-a-teddy-cute.

Then, Sunday my boyfriend had his birthday. All normal birthday celebration with his family. We were hangover, though.