lørdag 14. april 2012

ehm... Peter is not gay

I find it funny that 10 people have searched for "Peter Murphy boyfriends", and found my blog....

He has a wife and kids, God dammit.

torsdag 12. april 2012

Totentanz (7. Apr. 2012)

So, I have been so bad at writing in my blog lately, but today I decided to get myself together.

So, last Friday "The Germans" came to Denmark (when saying "The Germans" I'm talking about the members of Tanzkommando Untergang). The went to some friends house, where they were supposed to stay, around 9 in the morning, and well.... They were served alcohol. So when I and my boyfriend came over to where they were, they were already shitfaced drunk. Thinking about that, it was ok easy to get them to the youth house in Hillerød, where "The Germans" were supposed to play the first concert. And well.... They played good that night, considering the fact that they were drunk. Especially the drummer, which lost his drumstick like 8 times during the concert.

Now, the day after this, Tanzkomando was playing at Totentanz, with Still Lifes as warm up. I remember both bands to play good this night. Even if I only remember the half (or less) of Tanzkomandos concert form this night. This time it was my turn to get damn drunk. But I can for sure say that I had fun.

Flyer made by Anastasija.