søndag 8. juli 2012

Dead and Gone is in da haus.

(I hate myself a little for the headline on this post xD)
As I said on the last post, we were planning on getting rats when we had moved out. Now we have moved out, AND we've got rats.
I don't really have that much more to write, so I end it here with a picture of Gone:

tirsdag 29. mai 2012

Moving out this friday.

A month ago we got a apartment, and have been waiting till the date when we could move in. Now that date is in just a few days, and we haven't packet at all yet. Or, I did some packing just now, but there's still much we need to do.

And as we're moving out, money-saving is a bigger part of our everyday than it... well, it already is. I have for example colored my hair black, so that I won't have to bleach my roots almost every second week. It kind of sucks a little, as I can't color my whole hair purple again (I don't know if I wrote about my purple hair in my blog (yeah, that's how often I check and remember my own blog).. Anyway, I loved it, and I'm gonna miss it like hell). I have also decided to try and get a grip on that God damn bicycle. I do know how to ride a bicycle and all, but it is just hard for me to keep control over the bicycle and all the things around me. Especially as I am waaay out of training, as I haven't been riding bicycles since I fell pretty badly in 2005 (I think i was that in 2005. I was 13 years old for sure). I have, after that, on purpose been avoiding bicycles, but now I'm gonna start using one to save money on the bus and trains.

We have also decided to have 2 rats, and we're gonna mane them Dead and Gone. The reason for the names are one of the songs on The 69 Eyes newest album. The Song is called Dead and Gone, and in the verse the sing those words the same way the Chip and Dale verse (If you haven't hear any of those songs, you can hear the Chip and Dale song here, and the Dead and Gone song here).

lørdag 14. april 2012

ehm... Peter is not gay

I find it funny that 10 people have searched for "Peter Murphy boyfriends", and found my blog....

He has a wife and kids, God dammit.

torsdag 12. april 2012

Totentanz (7. Apr. 2012)

So, I have been so bad at writing in my blog lately, but today I decided to get myself together.

So, last Friday "The Germans" came to Denmark (when saying "The Germans" I'm talking about the members of Tanzkommando Untergang). The went to some friends house, where they were supposed to stay, around 9 in the morning, and well.... They were served alcohol. So when I and my boyfriend came over to where they were, they were already shitfaced drunk. Thinking about that, it was ok easy to get them to the youth house in Hillerød, where "The Germans" were supposed to play the first concert. And well.... They played good that night, considering the fact that they were drunk. Especially the drummer, which lost his drumstick like 8 times during the concert.

Now, the day after this, Tanzkomando was playing at Totentanz, with Still Lifes as warm up. I remember both bands to play good this night. Even if I only remember the half (or less) of Tanzkomandos concert form this night. This time it was my turn to get damn drunk. But I can for sure say that I had fun.

Flyer made by Anastasija.

mandag 13. februar 2012

Busy weekend

After new years eve we had a little problem with almost nothing happening, so we were a lot at home, until last weekend. Friday we had our monthly Punks Undead (though, there were no Punks Undead in January). Was really nice this time (when is it not nice?). Cannot remember all of the bands names, but I do remember that one of them were super good compared to my expectations (I think they were called P.I.S.).

Saturday we went to Black Cat Birthday Carnival. I dressed up as a cat (did it differently that how I did it to the Golem Halloween, so I am sad I have no picture). Have a lot of fun memories from that night. For example the guy coming on to me, and when I showed him my boyfriend, he said my boyfriend looked gay. That might be, but he is still together with the girl you were hitting on, so maybe you should steal some ideas?
There were also a live band called Grooving in Green. They were really good, and wow how cute weren't the members. Not the kind of oh-I-want-to-marry-you-cute, but you-look-like-a-teddy-cute.

Then, Sunday my boyfriend had his birthday. All normal birthday celebration with his family. We were hangover, though.

lørdag 14. januar 2012

Do I look like a homeless?

So, yesterday I and my boyfriend were in another town to see a punk show. Well, there were cheap alcohol, so I don't remember much from it. Though, I do remember I had a lot of fun, so I am sure it was good.

But to the point of this post: When we were going home, we came to the station 30 minutse or so before the train came, so we sat down at the floor. Suddenly a guy threw a coin to us. I said to him that he didn't need to, as we had money, and were not homeless or something like that. He demanded us to take his money. Well, why not? After a little while he came back, and did the same. A little group of people gathered to throw money for us. We kept on telling them to stop, as we were not in need of money. Then they put the money nicely on the floor in front of us, and when we took it, they were screaming "oh see, see, they are taking it!". So for some reason it was fun, and this was a way to mock us. A nice way to do it, I would say, as we earned like 30 kr on it.