onsdag 29. mai 2013

New Rats

A while back we feared that Gone would die. She was really tired, and slept for one whole day in a box with a towel I made for her. We were prepared to find her dead the next day, but! She survives, and she's still alive.

This is how we found Gone the next day, cuddling.

But because of this fear we got one day, we decided to get a new baby rat. There was a litter of babies nearby where we live, and we visited the breeder to see them. We fell in love with one very quickly, and decided to call her Ruby. now we just had to wait two weeks, till she was old enough to leave mom.
The rat we fell in love with, Ruby.

So came the day when I was to pick up Ruby. On my way, the breeder called me to ask if I wanted another baby as well. And well, I said yes.

Here's the other baby I got. Decided to call her Alice. And in this picture, she's washing her belly.

lørdag 4. mai 2013


I have had some problems with a stiff back and back pains, and went to the doctor to get help. He didn't even examine me (which kind of made me sad... actually). He just said that I had to start training, and that bicycling would be a good idea. I told him that I haven't been riding a bike since I was 13 (I am 21), due to an accident, so that wouldn't be a good idea. Then he said I should start swimming. I didn't complain to him about that, as I don't want to seem like a.... I don't even know. But the problem I have about swimming is this thing with being naked in a dressing room, and then in a bikini or swimming suit, aaand... People can see me naked/half naked. I really, really, really don't like that thought.

Now, to the point of the post!! I needed to find some exercise that wouldn't be a problem for me to do (like the above) and that would be motivating for me (unlike running, as an example). Kind of out of nowhere I got the ideas of rollerblades, and my boyfriend liked the idea, and wanted to do it together with me.

We started to look for rollerblades in sports stores, and we bumped into a tiny problem: vanity. They were all ugly. And if they weren't ugly, they had no brakes. But then one day, when we actually were on our way to a party, we went to a sports store, and found these rollerblades that looked ok enough, and had the best name rollerblades can have! Bladerunner Formula 82 (I don't want to write why it's an awesome name, to see if people get it). Best of all, the shop had a sale, so it was 50% of the price.

(Picture from the internet) So these are the rollerblades we got for my boyfriend.

We still needed rollerblades for me. And already the next day, we found a pair I liked on the internet. We ordered them, and as quickly as the day after ordering, they were here (which were yesterday).
(Picture from the internet) And these are the ones I've got.

The same day we decided to try them, and ended up taking a really long ride. It was really fun, and I didn't feel like I was dying afterwards. And already today I can tell that it is helping my back!