fredag 23. september 2011

One of the better nights out

So, for long we had been planning to go to this concert that took place yesterday. We of course went, which I am extremely happy for.

As we thought at first, it would be just a DJ set planned by Martin Rev (From Suicide) and Steen Jørgensen (from Sort Sol). But shortly after we got to know that there would be live bands, and one of the bands was Chainsaw Eaters. Hearing that, I just thought to myself that this night was already perfect. The other band playing was Less Win, which I had never heard of. Then, a few days before the night, we got to know that Martin Rev was not planing any DJ set. No, he was gonna play live. Awesome!

So we came to the place yesterday evening. The background music was some kind of jazz, which didn't surprise Christoffer. He poked my side and said "I knew he would make a DJ set like this. When I was working at TP Music he always came to buy jazz".

It didn't take long before the bands came on. First was Chainsaw Eaters, and it is no secret that I love their music. Next was Less Win. The played good, but I didn't find them super interesting. Though, I was very entertained by their look. Then, the last one to go on stage, Martin Rev. Honestly, I don't know where to start. The guy is 72 years old, and he dress up like a 15 years old. On stage you can see a keyboard, and well, you would expect someone playing nicely and normally with their fingers. No, he used his fist, and hit the keyboard. Amazingly enough, he seemed to play it all correctly.

After the concert, I and Anastasija agreed on that Martin Rev was playing like Lenore, which is my boyfriends cat (you know the funny thing cats does with their front feet when they are cuddly). I later on went over to Martin and told him this, which made him happy (I guess) and he started to tell me about how smart cats are, for then to invite me and my friends backstage. Christoffer ended up talking to Steen Jørgensen, where he was told that Sort Sol will play near where we live. Really nice, as I want to see them again. Especially as I didn't see them last time I were supposed to, as I got ill.

torsdag 22. september 2011


No, I'm not trying to be a pirate. I'm rather a little mad at this moment.
I had this very perfect plan for my hair. I was gonna go from black, to as blonde as possible. Yes yes, I know that is very hard, but I had, as I said, a perfect plan. After bleaching it twice, I would color it semi permanent blue, to get the orange out, and I did. Today I have been bleaching the blue....
Does this look like blonde? No, it's still blue! Semi permanent? shouldn't they be damn easy to bleach out of the hair? Damn...

mandag 19. september 2011

Photoshoot (19.sept.2011)

Today Anastasija asked me if she could take some pictures of me again. Of course I said yes to that. I am very satisfied whit these pictures, and I have to say, once again, that Anastasija is a great photographer!

All pictures are taken of, and edited by Anastasija.  Makeup is done by me.
The person on the pictures is me.

lørdag 17. september 2011

Punks Undead Vol. 19

Yesterday I and my dear went to help out with the Punks Undead show. I had for long been looking forward to this one, as Chainsaw Eaters was one of the bands playing this time. I love to see that band play live. Their music is so beautiful, and when they play live they have this strong energy and fantastic atmosphere. It's really hard to describe it. And as I had been hoping, they played so well this time, too.

torsdag 15. september 2011

My Birthday

I had my 20th birthday yesterday, and I have to say, it was a really nice day! I woke up to a boyfriend giving me a nice cup of hot chocolate just before he had to go to school. When he came home again, he let me open the present from him, which was this beautiful necklace:
(It's a cat skull)
Also, my mother in law gave me some knitting needles, which was a very good gift, as I forgot my own knitting needles back in Norway. Now I don't have to borrow from her all the time, and fear breaking them. Also Anastasija had a present to me, which I really like. It was a top and two hair clips, both with leopard print.
(I easily feel so unkind when people are so kind to me)

After this, we all went to Rizraz, which is a restaurant having a vegetarian buffet, that I like quite a lot.
And as I felt really old, leaving the teen ages, I have today colored my hair blue. And as it was not enough bleached, the result is..... funny!

Photoshoot (21.aug.2011)

This is a post I had on my old blog, but I really want to have that post here too!
I had a photoshoot with a friend of me, and she is such a great photographer, so I think her work should be seen.

All pictures are taken of, and edited by Anastasija.  Makeup is also done by her.
The person on all the pictures is me.

New Blog

I have for some years been blogging at, but I got quite tired of many of the bloggers there, so I decided to try out Blogspot to see if it might be better.