onsdag 29. mai 2013

New Rats

A while back we feared that Gone would die. She was really tired, and slept for one whole day in a box with a towel I made for her. We were prepared to find her dead the next day, but! She survives, and she's still alive.

This is how we found Gone the next day, cuddling.

But because of this fear we got one day, we decided to get a new baby rat. There was a litter of babies nearby where we live, and we visited the breeder to see them. We fell in love with one very quickly, and decided to call her Ruby. now we just had to wait two weeks, till she was old enough to leave mom.
The rat we fell in love with, Ruby.

So came the day when I was to pick up Ruby. On my way, the breeder called me to ask if I wanted another baby as well. And well, I said yes.

Here's the other baby I got. Decided to call her Alice. And in this picture, she's washing her belly.

lørdag 4. mai 2013


I have had some problems with a stiff back and back pains, and went to the doctor to get help. He didn't even examine me (which kind of made me sad... actually). He just said that I had to start training, and that bicycling would be a good idea. I told him that I haven't been riding a bike since I was 13 (I am 21), due to an accident, so that wouldn't be a good idea. Then he said I should start swimming. I didn't complain to him about that, as I don't want to seem like a.... I don't even know. But the problem I have about swimming is this thing with being naked in a dressing room, and then in a bikini or swimming suit, aaand... People can see me naked/half naked. I really, really, really don't like that thought.

Now, to the point of the post!! I needed to find some exercise that wouldn't be a problem for me to do (like the above) and that would be motivating for me (unlike running, as an example). Kind of out of nowhere I got the ideas of rollerblades, and my boyfriend liked the idea, and wanted to do it together with me.

We started to look for rollerblades in sports stores, and we bumped into a tiny problem: vanity. They were all ugly. And if they weren't ugly, they had no brakes. But then one day, when we actually were on our way to a party, we went to a sports store, and found these rollerblades that looked ok enough, and had the best name rollerblades can have! Bladerunner Formula 82 (I don't want to write why it's an awesome name, to see if people get it). Best of all, the shop had a sale, so it was 50% of the price.

(Picture from the internet) So these are the rollerblades we got for my boyfriend.

We still needed rollerblades for me. And already the next day, we found a pair I liked on the internet. We ordered them, and as quickly as the day after ordering, they were here (which were yesterday).
(Picture from the internet) And these are the ones I've got.

The same day we decided to try them, and ended up taking a really long ride. It was really fun, and I didn't feel like I was dying afterwards. And already today I can tell that it is helping my back!

onsdag 10. april 2013

David Bowie (guinea) pigs.

I got my second guinea pig today. As my first one (Ziggy Stardust), this one is also named up after a David Bowie caracter. My boyfriend decided to name him Aladdin Sane. He has the same colour as Ziggy, BUT he has hair. So Even if it is the same colour, they look verry different. Ziggy started popcorning when he got his new friend. So cute.
So this is little Aladdin. Picture is taken by the breeder, Au Naturel Pets.

Also need to add this picture of Ziggy.. Cause he looks funny.

Aaaaand tomorrow I will go to Berlin with my boyfriend and his band. Guess I will write a little about that after the weekend.

søndag 24. mars 2013

Unexpected situation.

So, I told about those fantastic plans I had for the easter holiday.. But something unexpected has happened, and I will have to travel to my home country to support my family. I will not put out details here, as I am not the "main person" in this.
Because of this, I can not use the easter to clean up the table in the kitchen, which have stressed me out like.... yeah, I don't even know...... BUT, that gave me superpowers, and I did clean the table in super speed.

And here's the proof :) Now all I need is to wait till Aladdin Sane is ready to come to his new home.
There is still a little messy under the table, but that will be better when I get home again.

And here's a picture of Gone sleeping on her head.

lørdag 23. mars 2013

Easter Holiday

It's easter holiday now, and I am not going to celebrate it. I don't think I have ever celebrated easter before, except from the egg full of candy. But I have a big project that I will use the holiday on! As said in the last post, I have a guinea pig now, and he's at the moment living in a tiny cage.

 It's actually not that bad. He's tiny himself. But in a short time, he will have a friend guinea pig, AND they will grow.

So I bought this cage. It's a lot bigger, and it's a 2floor cage!

And here's my project.... Cleaning this up..... So the big cage can be placed there.....

torsdag 21. mars 2013


I really wanted to start blogging again, when I got my computer back. But a week or two after I got it, it broke down again. Now I have an iPhone, and I am hoping that it will motivate me to start writing again. I don't have that much to say yet, but I will soon. Though, I want to show my new guinea pig.

mandag 14. januar 2013

I've got my computer back.

It's annoying how bad I am at updating my blog! I want to be more clever, but I just don't have any inspiration, I guess.. Now I have my own computer back, so actually there's no excuse not to write.

Now, I'll start with the rats. That's the part that is fun for me, and boring for all others. A month after we moved out, we bought two rats at the pet store (Dead and Gone) and when they were tamed, we bought one more from a breeder (Rosebud The Elephant). I found their cage to be too small, so I got them this REALLY huge one. Aaaand this Christmas my boyfriend had a really hard time finding a present for me, so... I got one more rat (Alien Apocalypse). So, now I have four rats.



Rosebud the Elephant (Unfortunately, I do not have a better picture of this pretty lady)

 And Alien Apocalypse

Quite a while ago, i had a photoshoot with Anastasija, and I have for long wanted to share those pictures here on my blog. But for some reason, I never got it done. And I don't really know why, to be honest. Though, I think this is one of the best shoots we have had. Anyway, here are the pictures. And remember that all these pictures belong to Anastasija Kiake!! (Oh and yeah, I had this ting on my head, because I had dreadlocks, which didn't fit to the theme for the shoot)

And as I never wrote in my blog, I have been without my computer for a while. It would get too warm in just minutes, and it would turn off cause of it. So when my cousin was here to visit, she said she would bring my computer home to her boyfriend so he could fix it, and he did. And then, when I went to my native country for Christmas, I also went to her place to get my computer.

søndag 8. juli 2012

Dead and Gone is in da haus.

(I hate myself a little for the headline on this post xD)
As I said on the last post, we were planning on getting rats when we had moved out. Now we have moved out, AND we've got rats.
I don't really have that much more to write, so I end it here with a picture of Gone:

tirsdag 29. mai 2012

Moving out this friday.

A month ago we got a apartment, and have been waiting till the date when we could move in. Now that date is in just a few days, and we haven't packet at all yet. Or, I did some packing just now, but there's still much we need to do.

And as we're moving out, money-saving is a bigger part of our everyday than it... well, it already is. I have for example colored my hair black, so that I won't have to bleach my roots almost every second week. It kind of sucks a little, as I can't color my whole hair purple again (I don't know if I wrote about my purple hair in my blog (yeah, that's how often I check and remember my own blog).. Anyway, I loved it, and I'm gonna miss it like hell). I have also decided to try and get a grip on that God damn bicycle. I do know how to ride a bicycle and all, but it is just hard for me to keep control over the bicycle and all the things around me. Especially as I am waaay out of training, as I haven't been riding bicycles since I fell pretty badly in 2005 (I think i was that in 2005. I was 13 years old for sure). I have, after that, on purpose been avoiding bicycles, but now I'm gonna start using one to save money on the bus and trains.

We have also decided to have 2 rats, and we're gonna mane them Dead and Gone. The reason for the names are one of the songs on The 69 Eyes newest album. The Song is called Dead and Gone, and in the verse the sing those words the same way the Chip and Dale verse (If you haven't hear any of those songs, you can hear the Chip and Dale song here, and the Dead and Gone song here).

lørdag 14. april 2012

ehm... Peter is not gay

I find it funny that 10 people have searched for "Peter Murphy boyfriends", and found my blog....

He has a wife and kids, God dammit.

torsdag 12. april 2012

Totentanz (7. Apr. 2012)

So, I have been so bad at writing in my blog lately, but today I decided to get myself together.

So, last Friday "The Germans" came to Denmark (when saying "The Germans" I'm talking about the members of Tanzkommando Untergang). The went to some friends house, where they were supposed to stay, around 9 in the morning, and well.... They were served alcohol. So when I and my boyfriend came over to where they were, they were already shitfaced drunk. Thinking about that, it was ok easy to get them to the youth house in Hillerød, where "The Germans" were supposed to play the first concert. And well.... They played good that night, considering the fact that they were drunk. Especially the drummer, which lost his drumstick like 8 times during the concert.

Now, the day after this, Tanzkomando was playing at Totentanz, with Still Lifes as warm up. I remember both bands to play good this night. Even if I only remember the half (or less) of Tanzkomandos concert form this night. This time it was my turn to get damn drunk. But I can for sure say that I had fun.

Flyer made by Anastasija.

mandag 13. februar 2012

Busy weekend

After new years eve we had a little problem with almost nothing happening, so we were a lot at home, until last weekend. Friday we had our monthly Punks Undead (though, there were no Punks Undead in January). Was really nice this time (when is it not nice?). Cannot remember all of the bands names, but I do remember that one of them were super good compared to my expectations (I think they were called P.I.S.).

Saturday we went to Black Cat Birthday Carnival. I dressed up as a cat (did it differently that how I did it to the Golem Halloween, so I am sad I have no picture). Have a lot of fun memories from that night. For example the guy coming on to me, and when I showed him my boyfriend, he said my boyfriend looked gay. That might be, but he is still together with the girl you were hitting on, so maybe you should steal some ideas?
There were also a live band called Grooving in Green. They were really good, and wow how cute weren't the members. Not the kind of oh-I-want-to-marry-you-cute, but you-look-like-a-teddy-cute.

Then, Sunday my boyfriend had his birthday. All normal birthday celebration with his family. We were hangover, though.

lørdag 14. januar 2012

Do I look like a homeless?

So, yesterday I and my boyfriend were in another town to see a punk show. Well, there were cheap alcohol, so I don't remember much from it. Though, I do remember I had a lot of fun, so I am sure it was good.

But to the point of this post: When we were going home, we came to the station 30 minutse or so before the train came, so we sat down at the floor. Suddenly a guy threw a coin to us. I said to him that he didn't need to, as we had money, and were not homeless or something like that. He demanded us to take his money. Well, why not? After a little while he came back, and did the same. A little group of people gathered to throw money for us. We kept on telling them to stop, as we were not in need of money. Then they put the money nicely on the floor in front of us, and when we took it, they were screaming "oh see, see, they are taking it!". So for some reason it was fun, and this was a way to mock us. A nice way to do it, I would say, as we earned like 30 kr on it.

onsdag 21. desember 2011

The Cat With The Tie

Since the middle of this summer, our cat, Nevermore, had a new cat friend, which we called the cat with the tie. They would play around together in the garden, and at some point she came in to our house. Actually we didn't mind her, but our little girl cat, Lenore, didn't like her at all. Be cause of that, we chased her out, but she just kept on coming back. And therefore we just decided to let her come. In fact, I started to cuddle her (and she's super cute, with the most pathetic voice in the word).

Now, a week or two ago when she was at our place, we went over to the people we thought owned her to say that she was here. They said that it was not possible, as their cat was just in the sofa sleeping at their place. We were quite puzzled by this, and started thinking she was a homeless cat. And if so, we would keep her.
So, one day when my mother in law came home from work, one of our neighbors started talking about her cats weird behavior. She was gone more that usual, and she didn't eat at all, almost, but even if so, she gained weight. Funnily enough, the cat with the tie was at our place at this time, so we invited the lady over. She sees the cat and says "My, you naughty cat". Luckily the lady didn't mind that My came over to us once in a while. In fact, she's just happy her little cat is not ill, as she thought.

lørdag 10. desember 2011

Punks Undead Vol. 22 (9. des. 2011)

This Punks Undead was special. Or, at least I think so, as some of our friends had their debut concert (Shock Tilstand). I had set my expectations very low for them, which I had my reasons for. First of all, they had only existed for a few months. Also, the drummer had said to us that he would never pay to see his band, but he loved to play in it, as it was loads of fun. Thinking about that, they were surprisingly good!

There were also a band form Israel (Special Education), so this was the second time with a band from far away. I am not actually that much into the genre to be honest (same with Shock Tilstand), but they were actually really good. What I liked about them was how they had mixed the female and the male vocals, and that gave some really good effects.

Now comes the embarrassing part. There were two more bands (The Grumpynators and No Go Girls) and I honestly don't remember a shit from it.....